Saturday, 18 April 2020

Distance Learning- Keeping a Routine

So what does it mean to translate a classroom routine into a Google Hangout Meet.
Google Hangouts - Wikipedia

I think the biggest challenge I have found is that things can't happen at the same time as they normally would in a classroom.

That doesn't mean that the structures and process can't be the same when the do happen.

In my pervious post I talked about the structure for our Google Meets. What I didn't mention is the need for the focus to shift slightly to a place where children can share and feel connected.

We have used our meet of course as a place of learning but also as a place of interact. With the restriction of not be able to leave ones home much, interaction with those outside of our own families has significantly decreased.

We have to provide a space for that while keeping the focus on education.

Below is an edited video of one of our class meetings. You will see the main parts of our routine from Karakia and Mihi, through to sharing, instructions and literacy (shared book).


  1. Hi Clarelle, I really enjoyed this video. It's great to see how different teachers are connecting with their classes. It's clear that your team have a strong focus on the wellbeing of your students and also awesome to see the different choices available to students through your site. Have you had any challenges or innovative ideas around keeping engagement up in these Meet sessions?

    1. Hi Phil, We are learning more and more every day. We have started using the chat to get scale of 1-10 answers from the kids, like how have you found the learning today? We are also trying to get the kids talking more, as they come for each other as much as for us and the learning. I know of teacher doing Kahoot in their Meets and things like that. We have not done this due to the age of our kids. I am always keen for ideas if you have any.
      Cheers Clarelle
