
Friday, 22 September 2023

This is the end...

 It is hard to believe that this is the end if my time here at Pt England School. Today marks my last day teaching here after almost 8 years. I feel so blessed to have been part of this amazing theme of people and to have had the chance to meet some incredible children. What an adventure!

Thank you to all the special people who have helped meto get to this next step in my journey. Special thank you to Anne, Fiona, Dorothy and Russell for bringing me into this MDTA program and showing me all I am capable of. Thank you Fiona for this lovely parting image.
Thank you everyone from Pt England School, Manaiakalani and Beyond you are an inspiration and I am so lcuky to have met you.


  1. Hi Mrs Carruthers I Am Going To Miss You And You Did a lot Of Things to help Us. and We Are going to miss you bye It Was by David From Room 11 Bye Mrs Carruthers And Happy Holidays.

  2. That movie was really nice. It was a really really good movie. From Neihana N Toms.

  3. Wow, Mrs Curruthers what allot of things you have done at Pt England School. i liked your 2023 movie about superpowers All The Best In Your New Adventure.

  4. wow Mrs Caruthers what a lot of thing you have done at pt England school I liked your 2023 movie about super powers .all the best in your new adventure.

  5. Wow Mrs Carruthers what lot of things you have done at pt england scool . I liked your 2023 movie about super powers. All the best in your new adventure

  6. Wow Mrs Carruthers i didn't know that you were here for almost eight years. We will miss you see you later i hope you have a great time. I loved your 2023 movies about super powers thanks for teaching us. We hope that you and your family have a great time together.

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  9. wow Mrs carruther what lot of things you have done at pt England school . i liked your 2023 movie about super powers . All the best in your new adventure

  10. Hi mrs carruthers I will miss you so much and you have been a amazing teacher. at pt england school miss you have a good day in your new role.

    1. and also my liked movie is 2022 because I was in it and this from suliano from room 11

  11. Hi Mrs Carruthers what a lot of things you have done at pt England School . i hope all the best in your New Adventures.

  12. Hi miss carruthers I loved the video's that you made and i love the 2020 because you can have meetings and talking about what you are doing for the holiday and the story that you made was creative and i hope you liked the video that the teachers made for you and i hope you feel better.

  13. WOW Mrs Carrurher what lot of thing you have done at pt England school . I like your 2023 movie about super powers . all the best in your new adventure.

  14. Wow mrs carruthers what a lot of things you have done at pt england school i liked your 2023 movie about super powers all the best in your new adventure

  15. Hi mrs carruthers. I am going to miss you.I wish you have a wonderful school.I love your smile.You wrere the teacher you have been to me and my class.

  16. and you are my favourite teacher and I hope god bless you and you a good time in your new role.
