
Wednesday, 15 February 2023

My class

 The start to 2023 has been anything but normal, with storms raging across New Zealand meaning a later start to the year then planned and the school closing for a day so that we could all stay safe. 

Another surprise which perhaps shouldn't have been a surprise coming off 2022 was the way in which my class jumped straight into learning, talking, sharing ideas and pushing themselves to both complete set tasks and extend their thinking. 

With this exciting development I have started to rethink my inquiry focus. In 2022 I was thinking of focusing on reading specifically critical and collaborative literacy. As a look around the room in week 2 of the term I can already see these elements developing from my current practice. As such I wonder whether this focus is needed. 

As I reflect on the conversational groups I see and the details in literacy I am reminded of the stark contrast with mathematics in my room. During maths time children appear to be less collaborative and see maths as less of a discussion and more of an independent activity.  

As such I am beginning to question which approach would be most beneficial to my learners this year. 

In saying this no matter which approach I take I want the goal for learning to be around collaboration and critical thinking and for my inquiry to no longer be a solo endeavour but rather a collaborative quest in which the burden and rewards are shared. 


  1. Tēnā koe Clarelle

    What a refreshing and upbeat reflection on your class's start to the 2023! I was really energised and impacted by your observations of their talking, sharing and engagement: it must be super rewarding for you as kaiako. Transfer of these dispositions and skills into their mathematics sounds like a very productive endeavour indeed! Look forward, as always, to following your inquiry. Ka kite, Naomi R.

    1. Kia Ora Naomi,
      Thank you so much for your comment. I'm really excited about my class this year and want to make sure my inquiry is something really meaningful for them but also me and other teachers. There are so many positives we already know about reading and I have had so many positive inquires in this area and so much progress in terms of reading age over the years. I don't know yet exactly what and how this inquiry might look or work but I want to be but I knew after a week with my class that a reading focus might not be right.
      I always love hearing your ideas and look forward to inquiring along side you and my other COL colleagues this year.
      Many Thanks Clarelle

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