
Sunday, 22 March 2020

Tools to Gain an Accurate Learner Profile

Describe the tools/measures/approaches you plan to use to get a more detailed and accurate profile of students’ learning in relation to that challenge. Justify why you chose these approaches and tools. (WFRC? #3)

Creating an accurate student profile is an important part of an effective inquiry. As I considered what this might look like I thought about what data I needed to best answer my question. 

Will increase discussion between learners and deliberate acts of teaching vocabulary improve achievement across multiple curriculum areas? 

First of all I want to build the picture of my target learners across multiple curriculum levels. This means looking at reading and writing achievement, maths achievement and wider curriculum achievement and interest. While I will focus on my whole class during this inquiry, I want to have a target group of my year 4 learners. These are all learners I had in my class last year and they make up the group of students in my class who are working well below their age in reading, writing and maths. 

Given these consideration I have decided the data I will collect with include:

1. A student voice survey, this survey will establish motivation in learning, the level of discussion they believe they have in class, how learning focused they think their discussion is and how they view their achievement. 

2. Star and PAT Maths/Reading data. This will provide a level of achievement in reading and maths. 

3. Running record data, this will provide some areas of need in reading and a level of decoding and comprehension. 

4. E-asstle writing data and a word count of writing sample. I will also compare sample to look at the types of words used and use "What every primary school teacher should know about vocabulary" as a reference text for this. 

5. Deliberate observation of student discussion with and without the teacher. I will ask another teacher to come and observer and make notes to get a clear picture of discussion. 

6. Picture vocabulary test to see what the extent of learners vocabulary is. 

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