
Thursday, 22 August 2019

What works? (for me in my context)

We have been thinking a lot about what works and how we can make accelerated shift the way we do in writing in all three subjects.

Over past two years teaching I have seen some good shift in reading. 

What have I done to make this shift:
Milage: Children had 3+ book a week which they were expected to reread multiple times to get millage. 
Fluency: Children were prompted and provided time while working on millage to build fluency. During guided reading fluency was an expectation. See 2016-2017 inquiry for why this help and was important. 
Carefully planned follow up: Children engaged in level and interest specific follow up activities. Activities prompt rereading, personal reflection, finding of specific information from the text. Here are a few examples:

This activity focused on finding key ideas in the text. Students had to make choices about sports that they wanted to learn more about: Level 26           

Focus on prepositions and using them in sentences. This was a huge part of the text and then students had to apply their knowledge: Level 17          

Focus on retelling, finding answers in the text: Level 10        

What has worked for me in Maths:

Purposeful use of mathematical vocabulary, in the writing of problems, in the discussion with children, in the activities and around the classroom. See 2018 inquiry. 

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