
Thursday, 13 June 2019

Auckland Regional Kahui Ako Hui Transitions

Today I have the wonderful opportunity to attend Auckland Regional Kahui Ako Hui. The day began with some statistics about the many CoL learning. It was interesting to hear how many CoLs have started up since the last Hui.

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ECE To Primary 

The teachers from
We all know that transitions are hard for children. Going from ECE to primary and primary to secondary. In order to reduce the fear and stress of transitions they used a Google form to collect information and inform further actions relating to transitions. This also allowed ECEs to provide additional information to make sure teacher, school and all people working with the child has all the health and welling being information for the child.

They also had information leaflets that were simpler layout and information of each school and these were place in ECE centres so families could connect with this information well before child come to the school.

They also created a site that had lots of information to support this transition and help parents. This included zones, class information and much more.

They also talked about families being confused about entry dates. So as a cluster they agreed on cluster entry times so they were the same for everyone. They want to strength teacher understanding by doing teacher swaps, between schools and ECEs.

Primary to Secondary

They used a similar approach with forms for teachers and students. They had teachers visit and student visits. They used videos to introduce the school, they had students create videos to introduce themselves to their teachers. The teachers then respond to these.

Now that they feel transitions are rocking, what next:
They talked about Hauroa focus for teachers, learners, whanau.

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