
Monday, 4 March 2019

Inquiry Focus for 2019

1. Summarise the challenge of student learning you plan to focus on in this inquiry. Be as clear and specific as you can about the evidence you have about this to date.

Focusing Question: Will the use of more rewindable teacher and learning in literacy lift student achievement and support improved teacher practice?

This year we have noticed that our students have a lot more needs in terms of their literacy ability. We have a huge group of 30 children out of the 52 learners in our space reading at green level 13 or below. This mean there is a significant need to acceleration for these learners who are already over a year behind their chronological age.
As a result we have talk a lot as a team and are working on taking learners back to the Gwynneth Phillips Reading Prompts. As a team we are learning to use these effectively and making sure there is consistency across the year groups. Due to my data from last year and the year before I am confident that we have the skill to make shift in this area. 

We notice that these result are similar in writing with the majority of learners being 1B writer. Students struggle in particular to put ideas into full sentences and writer how have this skill lack a clear knowledge of structuring their writing so it flows.

This is the area that Chrissy and I have choose to focus on. I believe that student need to read, shared read and analyse quality writing to build an understanding of what they need to do. I noticed that there is a lack of vocabulary I plan to increase significantly the gifting that I am doing in the classroom and make sure this is visible and rewindable for the children. I have begun to do this in a very structure way making it clear where in the writing the gifted words could best be used for effect and I am beginning to see with my 1A-2B writer an increase in this language. 

Also in My CoL across school role want to support teacher through making my practice, new and tried and true more visible with the aim of providing examples of effective practice. I also want to support other teachers doing great things to do the same so we as 1-1 iPad teachers in years 1-3 can also gain consistency in our practice and make the most of the opportunities we have to engage our learners in creative learning tasks. 


  1. Thanks for the summary of data. I'm interested in the areas within writing which are holding students at the 1B level. Which areas do the data suggest are the 'sticking points' for students?

    1. Hi Rebecca,

      From what I have seen and noticed in class I think a lot of it is length of their writing and vocabulary. Early on I noticed that they often repeat ideas rather than building on them and writing tended to be very short. However I am still unpacking this question more and don't have enough data yet to say that it is just that.

      I have been working on increasing length and reducing repetition using timer strategies, organised gifted vocabulary, sentences starters and discussion at each stage drawing on what ideas from other inquiries such as Matt and Zac found in their Boys writing inquiries in the past.

      I am excited to look really closely at their most recent writing samples and analyse the marks for each area compared with their end of 2018 samples to get an even better picture of these sticking points. I also plan to do a survey with the kids in the next few week to gather some student voice about where they feel they need to most development and support.

      Any other suggestions are warmly welcomed. Thanks for your comment.
