
Friday, 8 February 2019

Making positive behaviour visible

How learners interact, manage themselves and engage with their independent and guide learning is so important. However I as a teacher often focus most of my time and energy into the academic learning and making that visible, rewindable and engaging for the learners.

This year my co-teacher and I wanted to make the of learning behaviour and positive behaviour a visible rewindable part of our classroom.  This is a process that will take time and with each day we add and adjust the way in which we do this.

One way we have begun to explore this is through the classroom walls and in particular our inquiry walls. We have an inquiry focus in term 1 around the school values and health. This has leant itself to our aims of making the "way we are at school" known here as the Pt England Way central to everything we do in our classroom.

What have we done so far:
We are in week 1 for the year and we have been capturing the positive and making in part of our classroom environment. First we looked at our inquiry question: How can I be the best kid on the Point?

We broke this down into other questions which sit on our walls next to our inquiry question these are:
What does sharing look like?
What is Cybersmart?
Is it Kind?

Once a week we take one of these questions and ask the kids what it means to them. Providing examples, linking it to acts we have seen in the classroom. We then give the kids a chance to practice what these important values look like after all we practice reading, writing, maths, science. Practicing the way we learn is important too.

We are so excited to for 2019 and making the way we learn and act visible, rewindable and engaging for our learners. 

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