
Monday, 9 July 2018

GAFE Sydney-The Power of Possibility Part One

I am excited to be at another one of Lindsay Wesner wonderful sessions. I really enjoyed her session and Keynote at the Auckland Summit. I love her positive attitude and think it is just want I need to help get rid of my half way through the year vibe. 

So what is growth mindset: As a group we created a share understanding of what growth mindset is. 

Here is Lindsays redesigned graphic that shows these ideas beautifully:
We need to remember the power of "yet". I have not got this 'YET!'

As teachers we all design tasks. Is there something we can do to make sure the task itself is cultivating growth mindset. We talked about this and played Bingo. Here is how we went:

How do we provide multiple choices within our learning tasks. How do we provide scaffolding in a discreet why.  

We can create a multiple pathway learning journey that supports students learning. This is done using move to section based on answer. We can use choice boards to allow students to demonstrate their understanding in non-traditional ways. 

When we see the process we see the mindset. 

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