
Monday, 16 April 2018

GAFE Summit Keynote Patrick Green

Today is the first day of the two day Google Apps for Education Summit at the wonderful Aorere College in the not so sunny Auckland.

The Relevant Teacher-Patrick Green
We all have a past in which we have made many choices some bad or foolish, in our personal lives these are easy to recognise and learn from. As teacher the choices  we make in our classroom effect not just us but many many learners.  To put it briefly the risks we take as teachers affect way more than just us. 

Patrick talked about how lucky he is to have colleagues who push them to make positive change.  
Some practices that he saw were: 

Da Vinci Innovation Lab-Which had a family based program student went to school two days then learnt alongside their parents the other three days. 

Sequoyah- They have mixed level classes and whole back every child twice. Making failure positive. 

Looking at what others do is amazing. But Change is difficult!

Daily interaction and relationships are what shapes students-The Relevant teacher

What is the relevant teacher doing?

  • They are flipping the classroom and putting the students in the role of the teacher. 
  • Looking at teaching with a whole new lens. 
  • They are thinking about what is is transferable beyond the classroom and into the real world.
  • They are not afraid of access to information- They don't ask teachers Googlable questions.
  • They allow students to use device in exam. 
  • Not making students do what adults don't do. 
  • Recognise that there is no perfect average, they are meeting students where they are at. 
  • They are helping students craft a positive digital footprint. 
  • They put ownership of learning back on the students in a number of ways. 
  • They are taking their detailed guides are exemplars and getting rid of them
  • They value not following instruction and they know doing what Mr Green says is not a 21st century skill. 
  • They provide endless options for modelling, creating and learning. 
  • No long accept rubbish because they know about design. 
  • Can take anything and use it for learning. 
  • Embracing opportunities outside the classroom. 
We know that our kids love games. So can we bring gamification into the classroom and give students side quests. Allow their learning to have it's own paths well skill getting them from A-B. 

iTime-By giving students time to follow passion they are still engaging in the same skills and teachers are tracking each kids. 

What is something I am doing that I can set aside and give students passion time?

There is a lot in this modern age: You don't have to know everything. You do need to teach children to ask questions and find answers themselves. 

How do you stay relevant: Be a Learner!!

Learning requires struggle and it will be hard and uncomfortable but you will never be as uncomfortable as the student in a classroom with an irrelevant teacher. 

You might as I might consider reading:
The end of average-Todd Rose. 

You might visit as might I: 
iTime Alison White @aliwh_white Shaun Kirkwood @shaunyk

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