
Tuesday, 17 April 2018

GAFE Demo Slam

What is a Demo Slam? 

This is when a range of presenter have 3mins to share their ideas and we vote of who our favourite is.

Today's Demo Slam highlights: 

YouTube Live:
You can now live stream using youtube. I won't be doing this but I know we have used it for large school events including our school Fiafia. You use the camera icon.

Fiddling with Google Doc URLs:

  • If you change the word edit to copy. 
  • You can change to the word edit to preview to see the doc. 
  • To make a Template you go-template/preview. 
  • To make a PDF-Format=pdf. 
  • Link to copy with comments- Copy/?copyComments
You can build an app in Bitbox. You can use simple script the create simple games in Bitbox using the stamps. He made a sheep  that said brrrrr and we all played it on our phones.  

Making a Map to show country Data:
You data about countries you can insert a chart that shows the data on a map. 

Digital assessment to save time. Chrome extension called check mark. This allows you to add common comments easily. You can also have a list of comments in Keep and import them into the doc. You can also save images in Google keep and use these for feedback. 

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