
Tuesday, 27 March 2018

MIT Day Term 1

Today we spent the day at KPMG for another day of design thinking, questioning, challenging each other and coming up with some great ideas to push our inquiries even further.

We started the day by sharing how our thinking has changed since we last met at our Hui in February. It was wonderful to see how everyone's ideas had changed and developed as a result of their research.

Through the process of evaluating my inquiry I have greatly changed my thinking and developed my Moonshot (outline of my problem and plan for addressing it). While I still have much thinking to do, as all teacher out their know we are always adapting and developing our ideas. I thought it was time to share my slides with you all as hopefully get some feedback.

I am extremely grateful for the MIT program and the wonderful people at KPMG for providing me with this opportunity to extend my thinking and have it challenged by MIT friends and the wonderful Anne and Dorothy.

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