
Monday, 19 March 2018

Focus Group Data

As we wrap up testing for term one I wanted to take a closer look at the  Gloss Data for my inquiry focus group.

This is a Gloss results by section compared with the end of the year Jam results. The red shows areas where the students score has gone down and the green where it has gone up. This illustrates that an area of need is in fractions. Some students also need support in multiplication and division.

Language and Gloss

During Gloss testing I noticed that the learners often said "I counted",  "I thought it", "I just knew it" or "I added it" They often needed prompting to explain what they added, counted or thought. They also required prompting to explain how they added or counted.

For this learners it often took two to three prompts before I had a full picture of how they solved the problem and even then they often reversed to a picture or objects when explaining. "I did this one, then this one" Rather than using words to explain what they had done.

This supports my hunches and teacher judgements that vocabulary is a need for these learners.

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