
Tuesday, 13 February 2018

Inquiry focus:Vocabulary, Mathematic and Coding

As we all begin to settle into the 2018 school year it is time to get serious about our teacher inquiry and focus on tackling some big problems that we noticed in with in our learning communities. 

In the Manaiakalani Cluster of school we have noticed that language acquisition and vocabulary are holding back our learners across all learning areas and at all year levels. As a result our teacher inquiries are focusing on this with an area that is most problematic for our learners. 

I have chosen to focus on mathematics and how I can develop computational thinking and vocabulary through coding. 

Check out my ideas for first steps as I embark on this journey. I hope that you will join me and welcome any ideas that will support both my learners and my own learning. 


  1. HI Clarelle,
    I'm really excited to see the focus on language in mathematics. I'm looking forward to talking more about the theoretical connections between your identified needs and your changed teaching actions.

    1. Hi Rebecca,
      Thank you for your comment. I am excited about this focus also and I look forward to make changes to my teaching. I am still doing a lot of thinking and identifying needs and establishing routines. However I am hoping to launch in to some computational thinking either this week or next. I will share my progress here but please feel free to contact me with any more questions or any literature you may come across that will extend my thinking.
