
Friday, 17 March 2023

Finding Out More

 To understand more about the school-wide problem of mathematics we worked collaboratively together to create three surveys. These Surveys looked at teacher opinions and thoughts about mathematics. The thoughts of the senior management team about mathematics and our school. Most importantly for me what the children felt they're learning in mathematics and how important it is to them. By collecting this data we are getting more perspectives and understanding the problem from a range of point to point of view.

Survey for Senior Management

Surevy for teacher: Surevy for Children:

Friday, 10 March 2023

Thinking about the problem

The challenge in student learning that I have identified for this inquiry is the ranging abilities in maths and how do we address these within the classroom setting while drawing the strength of all students. 

This is important to me because initial testing with the children along with Manaiakalani data has shown that there is an increasing gap between the ability of children in mathematics.  This is representative of the wider issues in New Zealand education. Overall this leads to a problem of data suggesting that children are failing in mathematics when in fact what I've noticed in my classroom is that many children are excelling in particular areas of mathematics while others are struggling in the same areas.

Over the years many teachers have identified the complexity of language in mathematics and have explored this in their inquiries. Over the past few years Manaiakalani has identified a shared pedagogy for reading and writing. At the school we are aware of the increasing challenge and catering to all students in mathematics and making sure that learning in mathematics is accelerated over the year. As such, Danni Stone, Hannah West and I have come together to think about the way in which we can accelerate mathematics by using opportunities for extension groups and collaboration within the classroom. 

Our initial plan: In her role as creative space teacher Hannah has the opportunity to pull children out and work with them on specific targeted projects which will allow them to accelerate. As such we have discussed that she may take out a group of extension children from year three and four to work on their gaps and push them to think creatively in mathematics. From this wonderful opportunity I hope to draw what she is doing in her extension program and look at ways to create collaboration within my maths classroom. I believe that there is a real need for children to be aware of their gaps and strengths and how these can be developed over the year.

 I wish to include more assessment and discussion with children about their learning and gaps in order to make sure that they are able to fully understand their next steps. At this stage in my inquiry I'm looking at gathering data to fully understand each child's gabs and strength and formulate a plan for sharing these with the children in a way that is meaningful. Look forward to continuing to collaborate in this inquiry and hope it will provide a way forward for maths in a diverse classroom.

Thursday, 9 March 2023

Chit Chat about Math

We discussed a number of challenges that we felt were important to student learning and I've left of these below.

- Children having a range of knowledge but not being able to apply it correctly.

- Children revert to early number strategies as these are the most prominent in their brain even though they have more effective ways of solving problems.

-Children having gaps in knowledge either from Covid or from not retaining knowledge from previous years.

- Children not understanding how they can move onto the next step in their learning.

- Children not having the self-confidence or self-efficacy to learn from others and apply that learning in different contexts.

As we reflect on the many challenges we have identified in mathematics we realise that this is a massive area to study and look into. We wanted to choose the biggest ticket items for each class or group and really understand how we can make a difference for the children and there is. I told her up, perhaps looking at children understanding the gaps and their next steps as being something I could do in my classroom. I also discussed how building self-efficacy, self-confidence and sharing of knowledge could link nicely to Hannah's extension group.

Tuesday, 7 March 2023

Exploring the Challenge

Maths is complex we all know that. There is number knowledge, strand, apply the knowledge we have learned. When exploring the wider Data from PAT test in our school, cluster and wider Makaiakalani community we can see that for us in our school their is a significant challenge. 

Graph 1: Pt England School: 

As you can see from this graph well the children look to be travelling along the same trajectory as the norm the gap between the norm and children at our school at all levels in significant. 

Graph 2: Manaiakalani Cluster:

While this paints a lightly more positive picture it is clear that at year 9 and 10 the gap widens and that there is still a difference between the data and norm. 

Graph 3: The Manaiakalani Programs 

Similarly to the data is closer to the norm but still shows that there is a gap widening at year 7-10. 

What does this say about the problem? We can see that the wide range of knowledge, strategy and application required in Mathematics are not being gain by all children and that on the whole there is a significant gap between the the norm and especially where the children are at our school.