
Thursday, 17 November 2016

Teaching and using Scratch

This week we have been teaching the kids about the basics of coding using scratch. Scratch is a great starting place for coding as it allows for children to be creative by creating their own background and

Monday, 14 November 2016

A Film Festival Movie: Go For Gold!!

Here is my finished film festival movie. I was a privilege watching in on the extreme screen at Sylvia Park movie theatre. The hard work first my amazing learner made me so proud. I hope you enjoy the movie.

In Term three the Pavilion children learnt about the Olympics. We enjoyed learning about sport and it got us thinking about working hard so one day we can go for gold at the Olympics.

Our Presented introduced the movie like this:

Kia ora Pisirina
Kia ora Levonah
Remember how we learnt about the Olympics last term.
Yes. Why?
Well, I have decided I’m going to be an Olympian.
Really? What kind of Olympian?
I’m not sure yet, but whatever I do I’m going to work hard and Go for Gold!

Sunday, 13 November 2016

Miss Davis Class Onair

This is my first ever episode of class onair. I used the Manaiakalani Google class on air as a model and created my own short video to show the snapshot of a measurement lesson. I choose to use measurement as it uses both digital and non-digital resources and shows learners exploring a new concept. I hope you enjoy my lesson. 

Friday, 4 November 2016

PRT sites

In New Zealand beginning teacher in there first two years of teaching have provisional registration. Part of the process of working through provisional registration is check a record of learning that aligns with the practicing registered teacher criteria. You need to be able to effectively explain and provide evidence to show that you meet these criteria to become full register.

Some teachers see this can be a challenge but it doesn't have to be. Just like we get our learners to keep a record on their teaching through google drive and blogging our PRT criteria are a record of our learning as teachers. I keep my PRT information on a google site and use embedded google docs to make work flow easier.  This not only helps me to meet the legal requires but it is a record I can add to forever and refer back to when ever I need to.

I have also started labelling posts on my blog which specific teaching criteria to help me collect my evidence more effectively. This is something you need to keep on top of as most blog post about teaching and learning will link with a criteria.

The best thing about my PRT site is it is special and specific to me. It all make it easy for my mentor to see how I believe I meet each criteria and see which areas I still need help in. Below is a screenshot of how I have personalised my PRT site so that it is mine and I am proud of it.

I highly recommend using a google site as a home for your PRT information as it is practice and easy to share.